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It’s Time to Play Harball !


Time is of the UTMOST importance to stop these vaccine mandates that are depriving us of our jobs, our freedom and perhaps our health. The California Government goes back into session in January. We have mere weeks to effectuate what could be the one movement that puts an end to this mandate – a mass exodus of union members from the unions. As you may know, the Teacher’s Union was a major proponent of the vaccine mandates. The Teacher’s Union and unions in general are also the biggest financial supporters of Governor Newsom. The funds the Union(s) use to make those contributions come from your Union Dues. Accordingly, a loss of those funds would equate to a loss of support for the Governor, hence a loss of support for these mandates! Their influence is powerful over the state, but so is ours, if we band together.

Freedom Foundation has graciously provided us the directives below. Upon receipt of the thousands of Opt Out letters we anticipate, Freedom Foundation will package all the letters and send them on the same day to the respective unions, with a note stating that your decision to leave is in response to the vaccine mandate. This will render the unions defenseless and with no choice but to force the Governor to rescind these illogical harmful mandates.

In order to begin your Opt Out of the Union please do the following NO LATER THAN November 24, 2021. It is vital that all letters be received by the unions on the same day to make the most powerful impact.

Email content:

There are 2 ways to participate in our group exodus from the California teachers’ unions:

Option #1 (Recommended option for greatest impact):  

  • Go to California Teachers Association (
  • Fill out the form to create a custom Opt Out Letter
  • Open the email from and print out 2 copies of your custom letter
  • Sign and date the letters and place each in an envelope
  • Mail the first signed copy to Rachel Wiegel at the Freedom Foundation CA office. She will package up all our opt out letters together to send as one large Certified Mail package to CTA
    • Rachel Wiegel

Freedom Foundation

1442 E Lincoln Ave #440

Orange, CA 92865

  • Mail or deliver the second signed copy to your local association


Option #2:

  • Go to California Teachers Association (
  • Fill out the form to create a custom Opt Out Letter
  • Open the email from and print out 2 copies of your custom letter
  • Sign and date the letters and place each in an envelope
  • Take the first signed letter to your local post office and mail to the union directly via Certified Mail (the union address information will be at the top of your letter)
  • Date and save Certified Mail receipt to track and have a record of union receiving your letter
  • Mail or deliver the second signed copy to your local association


If you are a part of California Federation of Teachers or United Teachers of Los Angeles rather than CTA, please follow the same steps using the links below instead:


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